In January 2015 I began a new ministry in Payatas, the Philippines, known as the second Smokey mountain. I am assigned with Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) center for special children. In the center, the physical therapy and learning program are offered to the children three times a week. In assisting in the program and spending time with the children, I found out that many of them are underweight and undernourished. I felt there was a need for a feeding program, but I was worried about having a stable financial resource to start the program. I took the initiative to ask around and approached the people that run a feeding service and share with them my intention. In my search, I got to know about the Joy of Sharing Foundation in Korea. Through reflection I upon the passage, “For everyone who asks, receive; the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew: 7:8)
I submitted a proposal for the Feeding Project of the CBR Centre. I was grateful to receive the good news from the foundation that they decided to support our project for one year.
The donation worked out well with the support of my home Region, Korea, and Region of Assignment, the Philippines. More surprisingly, the Chief Director of the Joy of Sharing Foundation was visiting places they have funded in the Philippines. He had the opportunity to visit our CBR Centre to see our children.
At first, it was hard have a common point of view among us about the project. However, if I ask God with trust, the way is shown. Nothing is impossible. God knows everything about me; what is necessary for me; what is the best thing for me. He prepares everything and does not force me. God waits for me until I ask, seek, and knock; He will help me.
Thanks to the donations, we have started the feeding service to twenty special children. The children have gained weight and the parents are satisfied with the feeding service. Praise and thanks be to God!
Originally from Korea, SunHee “Sunny” Kim is a Columban Lay Missionary living and working in the Philippines.